Rom (Rome), The Early Christian Mosaics of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

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Gerhard Steigerwald, Bettina W. Bennett (Translation), The Early Mosaics of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome – A Mystery Made of Beauty and Profound Images (English Edition), 48 Seiten, 20 Abb., Format 13,6 x 19 cm, 1st edition 2024, Verarbeitung: Broschur Klebebindung, ISBN 978-3-95976-474-2

ISBN 978-3-95976-474-2 Kategorien: , ,


Built as the first Christian showpiece, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore graces Rome’s highest promontory, the Esquiline Hill. With its exterior beauty and its interior mosaics, the Basilica was meant to bestow upon the Eternal City of Rome a new, Christian aspect. The foundation of this new beginning is Jesus Christ who now reigns over the Imperial City and the globe instead of the earlier pagan goddess Roma. He is not solely a man like all the former Roman emperors, but the son of the Eternal God. The Basilica defies the bishop of Constantinople, Nestorius, who had publicly expressed doubts about the divinity of the man Jesus.

The early Christian mosaic cycle of the Basilica opposes Nestorius as well in respect to the divinity of Jesus as the sole and righteous cornerstone of the faith of God’s people. In this publication, Dr. Gerhard Steigerwald reveals this historically significant controversy. His insights turn a walk through the Roman Basilica into a historical adventure.

About the Author

Dr. Gerhard Steigerwald is a German author, Roman-Catholic theologian, and a Christian archeologist. He has worked as a priest in several towns in Germany and in NYC. He taught Catholic studies until his retirement in 1995. He resides with his wife in Nürtingen, Germany.

About the Translator/Editor

Bettina W. Bennett has a PhD in English Literature and Cultures. She received her B.A. magna cum laude from Columbia University, and her PhD summa cum laude. She resides in Princeton, New York City, and Stuttgart.

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